
Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Top 2 Tuesday.

This weeks top 2 is: Magazines

1. Cosmopolitan
I've subscribed to this magazine for at least 2 years now and I just love it! The cover of it makes it seem like a sexual magazine or something but it's not like that at all lol. It has a cover story of the person on the front, fashion and make up tips, real like confessions which are hilarious, a true life section and a few intimate tips thrown in there lol. I'm glad this comes in the mail every month :)  And I only pay $12 a year so you can't beat $1 an issue!

2. Fitness
Now that I've been trying to get back into shape, this magazine has some wonderful tips in it! It has great exercises that you can do in the can in the privacy and convenience of your own home. Fitness also contains great recipes that are super healthy and easy to make. I really recommend this magazine :)

Others I subscribe to:
Glamour (great for all beauty tips)
Self (all around positive magazine)

Other favorites:
People (who doesn't like catching up on celebrity gossip?!)
Us (if People doesn't have a good cover story, I'll buy this one)

P.S - I MISS YOU ALL SO MUCH!!! I haven't read, posted, or commented on ANY blogs since Thursday. It seems like it's been forever! I hope you miss me too lol. It was a LONG weekend but I'm hoping to catch up on everyone's blog by tonight. I hope you're all doing well and have a fabulous weekend! xoxo


Brittany said...

Glad your back! I love me some cosmo! :)

Amber said...

We do miss you! Totally understand - sometimes "real life" gets in the way of blogging!

Manda said...

I love cosmo also!!

Kelly Marie said...

Cosmo is my absolute favorite (: Miss ya too!!

Candice said...

Oh I love Cosmo!!! And I love how they have the sections where the cover girl fills out questions about herself in her own handwriting! ha! That is always the first thing I go to :)

Beth McC. said...

YAY!!! I love your magazine picks! You can never go wrong with fitness! Its one of my gym reads, it motivates me! I hope you have a great day!!

Christy Ashley said...

I did miss your posts!

By the way, I'm going to be in Baltimore sometime in June for an Orioles game! Blogger meet-up?!

Brandi said...

I love Cosmo too.

Anonymous said...

great picks!! I love both of them too!

Alissa said...

I know I feel like I've neglected my bloggers too! It's been hard to catch-up no worries! Great picks!

Lindsey said...

i think i might have to go pick up that months of fitness magazine - i have always aspired to have kelly ripa's legs.. awesome picks!

Anonymous said...

aw i feel like i have been gone forever too!! i am finally getting around to reading and catching up with all my favorite ladies!

love your mag picks! cosmo is my absolute fav and i subscribe to self too, i love it!!

hope you had an amazing easter :))

Debbie said...

I really enjoy Glamour...I get a stack of mags once every two months or so from a friend who works in a salon, so I enjoy all sorts of gossip and beauty tips for free!

Jenn @ West Sac Honey said...

I love these two! I used to have Cosmo subscription but I had it for YEARS so I finally canceled it. Still have my Fitness subscription though!

The Undomestic Mom said...

missed you too! love your picks!

SurferWife said...

Of course I missed you and was happy to see your comment today. I didn't have to call out the Coast Guard to look for you.

I like all of these mags, too. I don't subscribe to Cosmo anymore but I still get US and Fitness.

Jenni said...

Great picks, I love Fitness too!

Marian said...

Cosmo is one of my faves (I always love reading the questionnaires the cover person has filled out)...and I'm def obsessed with Self!!!

Meg said...

I love all those mags too. I love the "Hey! It's okay!" page in Glamour!

Unknown said...

Of course we missed you!!

I had a subscription to Cosmo for the longest time but gave it up because every issue seemed the same. 101 different positions... etc. lol. Now I'm down to Glamour and Lucky. They're awesome!! And super cheap too.

Unknown said...

p.s. I'm so glad you like the bracelets!

Heather @ Simple Wives said...

I love Glamour! And even Cosmo from time to time! :)

Juliana said...

Isn't it crazy how just a few days away can feel like forever!?!?

Jen | Our Life Accounts said...

Ohhh I love me some fitness and self. Lucky and people style magazines are some of my other guilty pleasures. I used to love cosmo but gave it up when I moved back in with my family and didn't want sex tips plastered across the cover! :) I still pick it up in waiting rooms all the time though!

Heather said...

I love SELF, it's my favorite magazine!