
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Top 2 Tuesday.

Top 2 items under $15

1. Aquaphor

I swear by this stuff. So much so, that I have a small tube that I carry in my purse. I use it on my feet at night and then put socks on and wake up with the softest feet. They never have to scrape my feet or anything when I get a pedicure because they're so soft. I always use it after washing my hands as well. It keeps them moisturized all day. It's a little greasy when you first put it on but dries right away. I'd choose it over hand lotion any day :-) I highly recommend it.

2. Jergen's Natural Glow 
I'm all for having a tan because I don't want to look like Frosty the snowman, but you will certainly not find me laying in a tanning bed to get it. (I might lay out at the beach though, with spf lol) I'm just really against it; Nothing against any of you who do it! I don't want wrinkles when I'm older, damage to my skin, or worse, skin cancer. I have to get checked every 6 months as it is so tanning beds aren't my friend. (I used to be one of those girls who tanned at least 4 times a week, til my dad had melanoma). Anyways, this stuff works wonders. It gradually gives you a nice summer glow without making you feel sticky, smell gross, or look orange. I've tried A LOT of self tanning products and this is the best so far! Go get it :-)

 What are your top 2 items under $15?
Head over to Taylor's blog and play along!
Enjoy your Tuesday ladies :-)


Chelsea said...

I'm definitely going to try this Natural Glow. I have a 3" long scar on my back from having a spot of melanoma removed, so I'm all for sunless tanners nowadays!! Like you said though, they all stink!

Brittany said...

I'm contemplating getting a spray tan this weekend so that I can wear shorts and dresses and get a real tan. Although I swear my skin hates me and takes FOREVER to tan. I will need to spray tan for a while I think. I hate that they are so expensive!

Erin said...

I love the natural glow tanner, it makes such a nice but subtle difference. I haven't tried foaming but I might when my current tube runs out.

Katie S said...

I was thinking about using the natural glow stuff but didn't think it worked and didn't want to waste my money on it...Now I'm gonna have to try it!

Amber said...

I finally gave up tanning as well. I just don't want to have skin that looks like leather when I'm forty - so I've been pale this winter. Very much looking forward to laying out this summer (with SPF, of course!)

Candice said...

Thanks for both of these! I have been looking for something to make my feet and hands softer so I am going to get that. And I am for sure going to try the sunless tanner stuff! Thanks girl! Great products I am going to have to try!

Jessica said...

I'm with you on the 'say no to tanning' mantra, my family has a high tendency for skin cancer so I am a pasty girl! I'll try your product and see how it works :)


Beth McC. said...

Great PIcks! I am going to have to try that natural glow!! Thanks for sharing!

Kenj said...

I need to try this Aquaphor.! My feet get really bad in the summer. (This may be because I like to wear NO shoes) But thats that. I should really try this. I take care of my feet as much as possible. It still is not enough though.

Debbie said...

Aquaphor is great stuff! My best friend and I use it on cuts and dry patches and find it also helps relieve some of the pain in irritated skin.

meredith said...

i've never used any self-tanning products, but i'm in LOVE with aquaphor!!

Anonymous said...

ooo good picks! i loovee aquaphor! i started using it this summer and now i keep a small tube with me too lol :))

Allison said...

Gotta love sunless tanning products that work and don't give you that orange "glow"!

The Undomestic Mom said...

I need to get both of those!

The Undomestic Mom said...

oh can you tell me who designed your blog??? I love it!

Brittany said...

Is that self tanner a foam?? I have the lotion (it made me a little orange-ish the other day)

allison said...

My tan is waaaaaaaaay too expensive each month, but I'm entirely to lazy to reduce costs. Some things I just don't care if they make me broke. A decent appearance is a necessity. Never used that moisturizer before..interesting.

P said...

I swear by Astral moisturising cream (which is ridiculously cheap) and Johnson's Holiday Skin. I believe they both would be under the 15 dollar mark!

Sarah Ann said...

I really want to try that Jergens!! :)

Jenn @ West Sac Honey said...

Oooh I've never seen the foam kind! As for the Aquaphor that looks enticing! I'm heading to Target today (maybe) since it's deadly.. I'll have to try it!

Heather said...

I'm definately going to try the Aquaphor!

Happy Tuesday!

Christy Ashley said...

I'm definitely going to try that Jergen's! And we should definitely plan a blog meet up when I'm in town for an O's game! We can get the whole Baltimore/DC/MD/VA crowd out! It'd be fun!

Salt said...

Aquaphor is the best invention ever. It's also amazing as a lip balm. During the winter it was the only thing that kept my lips from being chapped!

Ashley said...

Oooh, my feet are SO dry. I should try Eucerin. Thanks for the tip :)

Kelsey Claire said...

Aquaphor is my best friend since I have gone on accutane. I mean I lather it on! I use the Jergens lotion and am liking the bit of color it is giving me as well!

Annie said...

Aquaphor is so great! I love to put it on my elbows and between my finger where I get really dry! I will have to try out the sunless tanner. I need to find an alternative to spending too much time outside :)

Unknown said...

I hate tanning beds and I am adament about 65 spf!! I also don't think it's worth the risk just to have a tan!

Leeann @ Join the Gossip said...

Oh, thanks for the info! I am always afraid to try tanning in a bottle. I have only tried once and the results were not cute haha!

Vanessa said...

I'll have to check out that natural glow! It looks promising, thanks for posting!

Iva Messy said...

I love Aquaphor!

Unknown said...

I go through tubs of Aquaphor. Aqua-phor everything! ;) Do you put it on your feet every night? I used to use it everyday, but my sister just told me that you're not suppose to use it for long periods of time. Do you know anything about this? I was so sad. :(

Natural Glow is awesome. I use the reg and the express. Need to try the foaming one.

2 items under $15 that are fab are Neutrogena's moist towellettes (sp?). They wipe away all your makeup. (love it for camping) Also, Clean & Clear blotting sheets. They're the best!!!

Anonymous said...

I just love Natural Glow! That stuff rocks! Hope you have a great weekend! xoxo

Lana said...

I've never used either of these products, but I want to now! Thanks for the recommendations & for your comment on my blog!

Jules said...

Aquaphor is great and I use this on my lips at night sometimes. I’ll have to get a bigger jar of it like the one you posted to use on my hands and feet.

I’ve used Jergen’s Natural Glow lotion, but haven’t tried the foam. I might have to check this out too!