
Monday, April 12, 2010


The test of love is not when we are together.
It comes when we are not together and
realize that despite the distance,
love is still there.

This weekend I went to visit M at school. On Saturday, we decided to drive to the beach since it's only 25 minutes away. Since his entire school goes to the beach after graduation, we went searching for hotels since we will be staying there for the weekend when graduation is over. We didn't book anything but did get a lot of brochures. For lunch, we went to the Dough Roller and it was so good. It was packed though because there was a cheer-leading competition that took place that weekend. The weather was beautiful too!

first time I had my feet in the sand this season :-)

Saturday night we decided we'd go and see the movie The Bounty Hunter. It was a little long but overall, I give it a 4 out of 5. It had some pretty fun parts and kept my interest, which says a lot lol. Plus, I love Jennifer Aniston.

On Sunday, M & I went to the mall for a little bit and ate lunch there. It was beautiful again so we surely didn't want to stay in the house all day. So M, his roommate S, and I decided to play corn hole all day with a few beers in hand :) If you've never played or heard of it, google it. I think we played for at least 2 hours lol people get so competative over it! It's pretty easy too.

All you need are 2 of these and 8 bean bags.

Sunday night, M had a softball game. Him and his friends all play in a league at school for fun. The game ended early because they were up by like 8 and there was no point in continuing lol. I felt bad for the other team.

Overall, I had an awesome weekend!
I hope you did as well :)
I missed my bloggy friends!

P.S - I just realized how MUCH school work
I have to complete in the next 2 weeks:
- 3 papers
- finish 2 entire books
- presentations
- online quizzes
- more that I'm forgetting right now

So if I'm MIA over the next few weeks and don't post or comment as I usually do, I deeply apologize! There's no need to send out the U.S Coast Guard or FBI though because I will be in my room burrying my head in the books wishing the end of the semester was here! I hope I'll be able to get a little blogging in here and there. I'll miss you all :( Take care!


Julie Leah said...

What an adorable picture of you two!! I'm glad you had a great weekend!

P said...

You and your man are such a nice couple. I mean it whole-heartedly. I can be a cynic but those who can stay together in spite of distance warm my heart completely. :)

Sounds like you had a fab weekend too. :)

Alissa said...

Sounds fun! Don't you just love sticking your feet in the sand? It's gotta be one of my most favorite things to do.

Anonymous said...

aw sounds like a great weekend, im super jealous you got to go the beach :))

super adorable pic too!!

Ambs said...

Looks fun! Can't wait to get down to OC for the first time this year!

Brittany said...

So glad you had a fabulous weekend! Love cornhole!!

Lauren @ Dreams Take Flight said...

I love that quote! Glad you had a good weekend with your boy...I can't wait to get to the beach!!!

{andthisiswhatshesaid} said...

So glad it was fabulous, love the first pic

Ashley Stone said...

I miss the beach! I'm jealous! I live in Kentucky and cornhole is big here, haha...though I've never played. Even the bars have it out on their patios here, haha.

I want to see that movie too, glad you liked it.

Kelsey Claire said...

That looks like a FABULOUS weekend! I am glad that you had a wonderful time spending quality time with your man!

Mrs. D said...

I'm so jealous you got to go the beach! Sounds great! And corn hole is my faaaavorite game! :)

tara said...

new to your blog! what a cute picture of you & your man! glad you had a good weekend with him! :)

Unknown said...

AWW... such a cute photo. I love it.

Sounds like you had a nice weekend. Yay!!!

allison said...

Graduation must be coming up soon! I'm so glad to hear that you two are doing well together. That must make you feel so at ease and content. XOXO Miss you!

Brittany said...

Look at you all smochie smoochie! Too flippin' cute! Goodness!

I'm glad you had a great weekend together! You're too cute!

Good luck with your school work! I'll miss you while youre away! :)

Heather said...

Cornhole is awesome! I love it!

Chelsea said...

Cute pic you lil lovebirds! We play cornhole all the time here in Indy!
We saw Bounty Hunter this weekend too, thought it was cute but nothin to write home about. Someone told me supposedly Jen & Gerrard are all lovey dovey now.... I thought they made a cute couple!

Annie said...

love the photos!! too cute!!
so i never knew what cornhole was....we always call it the beanbag toss game ;)

have a great week beautiful!!

Kelly @ turned UP to ELEVEN! said...

Aw - this makes me miss home AND Ocean City!!! I'm glad you had an enjoyable weekend!

Anonymous said...

awwww I love the beach :-)

Amber said...

Sounds like a great weekend. Super cute pic with boyfriend. :)

Caitlin said...

so cute! i can't wait to go to the beach.

Salt said...

I haven't made it to OCMD yet this year and I miss it. (I'm a Baltimore girl too!)

I am also a champion of Corn Hole. And the name always makes me laugh.

Meg said...

What a fabulous weekend! I am glad you had such a great time. Also, good luck with everything this week!

Vanessa said...

Sounds like an awesome weekend! Glad you had fun.

I understand about school pretty much engulfing life for the next few weeks. At least there is an end in sight!

Elizabeth said...

I am so happy you had a fun weekend!! :-) What a cute picture, you both look HAPPY!!!

Chubskulit Rose said...

Aww so sweet...

A new follower from Friday Follow. Hope you can come by and follow back, have a good weekend!

Kelsey @ Seattle Smith's said...

So fun lady! From sand, to corn hole, to a little getaway ... LOVE IT!

CIP said...

You guys look SO cute! Glad you are happy!