
Monday, February 22, 2010

Major Case of the Februaries.

I feel like the "blah-ness" is following me everywhere.

Ladies, sorry I've been a bad blogger lately. At least that's how I feel anyways. I have been commenting and such, but my posts have been lacking good content and I feel as though I'm boring you to tears. I apologize. I hope you still stick around because I promise more interesting posts will come!

Blame it on February. For some reason, this short month always drags me down. I can't figure it out but maybe it's because school is in full swing and I have nothing to look forward to. January is great because it's a fresh start and a brand new year. I have great intentions of sticking to my New Year's goals and starting off the year just right.

Then February comes. This is usually the time the weather is all messed up & cold, and boy was it ever messed up this month. Two blizzards in 5 days. Before the snow came, I was doing good; working out, sticking to eating healthy, enjoying dealing with the cold weather. Then BAM, the snow came and everything went out the door. When your literally trapped in side and you run out of homework activities to do, you tend to eat your weight in yummy food. Or at least I do. I couldn't get to the gym because I don't have 4 wheel drive and I guess the snow plows do not find my street as top priority.

Now that the roads are clear and everything is back to normal, I cannot get out of this funk. I just feel so blah about everything. I go to work and school and then I just get lazy and don't work out or really want to do anything at all lol. I'm hoping that when March comes and the weather gets out of the 40 degree range, I will be back to my peppy self :-) I need to start working out again. I feel so much better about myself and just in daily life so it's something I want to do. The weather isn't warm in March but it's nice enough to take my dog to the park and get outside.

So February, please hurry and get yourself out of here. I know you'll be gone pretty soon but I can't take much more of you. I want Spring, I want to have a little pep in my step again, I want to hear the birds sing and see the sun shine.

Do any of you have a major case of the Februaries?
If so, how do you deal with them?


Mrs. Mama said...

Yes, I the major case of the Februaries... especially the COLD weather. I am with you, spring please hurry up and come!

sincerely jen said...

after reading your post, yes I totally have a major case of the februaries...i too have not been able to stay on the workout banwagon, hurry march! Im not sure if I want april to hurry as I turn 27!

Brittany said...

I soo have that same feeling! Spring..where are you?!

allison said...

Hey!!!! Ugh! I can't believe myself sometimes, but at least I'm going to the doctor on Wednesday to see about it all!

Heather said...

I am feeling the exact same way, I'm so over this weather! Old man winter needs to go away!!

Anonymous said...

ugh yes i am so over this cold weather! in texas, it was 70 and warm yesterday and now tomorrow we are expecting snow. haha. spring and summer hurry please!!

february is almost over though, you are almost there girl :)

Kelsey Claire said...

I feel you! I am so ready for cute spring dresses and such! I am tired of this winter stuff and I live in Texas where we don't even really have a winter!

Anonymous said...

i switched my email to be visible now! :)

haha and that's crazy that me and your friend's names are so close together too! & the wedding dress shopping was too much fun, and it was even my mom's idea! lol

talk to you soon girl!

Unknown said...

I'm with ya girl! I feel those blah blah blahs you are talking about. Bring on the spring!

Mindy said...

Yesss... I'm so anxious for spring!! ONE WEEK 'TIL MARCH! March sounds so hopeful. Hang in there, we'll make it!

Elizabeth said...

I cant till March! :-) It will be warmer! Well I hope~!

Kelly said...

Yup, I think pretty much everyone feels this way too! February just sucks because it's between all of the fun holidays and spring. I'm desperatly wanting spring to be here... but March is the snowiest month for Minnesota :-( I have a feeling I'm not even CLOSE to spring-like weather. Boo! Hang in there, hope your Tuesday goes better! :-)

Elizabeth said...

February is always a bad workout month for me, and I desperately crave warmer weather! It doesn't help that we had a semi-warm weekend this past weekend! Of course, it got cold again just in time for Monday, but it did give me a little hope!
And, regarding the cake balls- you should definitely try them out some time! I like them because they are pretty easy to make, and they can be a fun activity with a beau or a few girlfriends!

beckylbranch said...

Yes! I am so ready for spring! Today it is snowing then tomorrow it will be 60 degrees again...we have such weird weather here it's freaky! It's like it can't make up it's mind!

P said...

February has been okay for me, maybe because i've been so busy and because it was far warmer than the coldest January I ever remember in my lifetime! I'm looking forward to warmer weather though.

Annie said...

i feel ya lady! thank goodness this is the last week of feb!! i'm beyound ready for spring although i know march/april are gonna be chilly :| boo!
i took the month of feb off from the gym...i plan to start again in march, i think ;)
have a great day hun!!

meredith said...

ugggghhh, i am SO ready for spring!!!!!! we're having a nasty rainy, cooooold, sleet, and snow later tonight kinda day here in houston and it's icky! i'm with you on the blah-ness!

Marian said...

Oh, I'm so feeling you on this February blahness!! I'm trying to keep up, but would rather be cuddled in my bed just breathing, ya knows what I means. I'm almost positive that the spring weather will bring me out of this funk. Mother Nature better get in check before I throat punch her;)

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

March is in our grasp...Thank goodness!