
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Hey you. Yes, YOU.


Hi! I've noticed that I've had quite a few new followers friends!
Seeing this makes me happy but one thing does make me sad.
These new friends haven't left a comment or introduced themselves.

So we're going to play a fun little game!
(I'm crossing my fingers that you'll join in!)

I would be so happy if everyone who reads this post would
leave a comment with their name and one fun fact about them!
It can be something interesting about your home town,
your favorite food or place to shop. ANYTHING.
I just want to know who's reading my blog.

And if you know that I know who you are, play along anyway!
It never hurts to refresh my memory :-) lol

Thank you ladies so so much!
I can't wait to read all of the comments and
hopefully reply back to them.

As always, I appreciate you following my blog!
Hope you stick around for many more posts!


Marian said...

Lets favorite place to eat in Baltimore would be the Metro in Fed doesn't help that its right down the street. Actually, now that I think about it, I'm also a huge fan of Los Portales over in the Glen Burnie area, near the airport. Best Mexican food EVer!!!

Katie S said...

Hi Brittany!!! I'm Katie from The Life and Times of Katie and Scott!! I can't think of a fun fact other than I live in Michigan!! :) And I'm going to sopy your idea, because I too have gotten some new followers!!

Kelly Marie said...

Hey girl!! I'm pretty sure you know me...BUT I could live off of Diet Dr. Pepper & Cheese Nips (:

Heather said...

Hi, I'm Heather...but you already knew that :).

I LOVE Italian food!

Kenj said...

I'm pretty sure you know I am a reader.
My name is call me Kenj.
Fact about me:
I idolize Christina Aguilera. She is my absolute favorite. I am full on Team Aguilera.!

Jen said...

Oh Hey there! I'm pretty sure you know who I am but I love fun little games like this so I'll play :)

Fun Facts: I'm Jen, My hubby is Jay. My (only) brother is also Jay, and his wife is Jen. I'm serious!

Also, my dog's name is Batman :) It's funny when we talk about him in public..."Batman jumped up on the chair today" People look at us like we're crazy!

Kelsey Claire said...

Ummm I don't know you. I am a new follower. I am thinking that we could be friends.

Unknown said...

Hi! I'm olivea and a fairly new follower! Fun facts: I am getting married in Las Vegas next month!

Jenny said...

My name is Jenny (YEAH!) and I'm an only (YEAH!) Child. (That was in beat of a cheer!) haha

Also- I love me some Britney Spears.

Brittany said...

Cute! Random Fact: I love Taco Bell's cheese quesadilla...I hate do admit that!

allison said...

My name is Allison. Mississippi is the most obsese state in the nation, and the first lady visited Jackson last month to talk to the kids about getting in shape. :)

Julie Leah said...

Hmmm, have we met? I think we could be friends! Fun fact? I could eat breakfast food for every meal of the day!

SurferWife said...

Hello! My name is SurferWife and I am famous. You probs know me from Chelsea Handler and Heather Longboobs. We are all bffs.


Anonymous said...

im cassie! lol

and interesting fact, i always love reading your blog! :))

Ashley said...

I'm a fellow maryland girl-- which obviously means that I could live off of crab! YUM

Christa said...

Hi! I'm Christa...I think I already introduced myself but my memory is pretty bad these days! I'm from Texas and I am a student at Texas A&M!! Looking forward to following you more!

Ashley Stone said...

Hello! My name is Ashley. I have a little chihuahua named Yoda and he is my baby! In fact, he's sitting in my lap right now as I type. ; )

Elizabeth said...

My name is Liz, and I think YOU are the best...but you should know how much my ROSIE means to me!! :-)

{andthisiswhatshesaid} said...

Cute thing!!!

My name is Rasha. I just loveeeeee youoouuu and I love food in general.

L said...

Hello! I'm El =)

random takes me forever to think of things like this, random things on the spot! ahh my bran freezes haha! your blogs so cute =)

Anonymous said...

HI! Hummmm, the county that I live in is so small that we only have 2 schools in it, an elementary and high school. In my whole high school {grades 7-12} there were only about 300 students total. How fun! xoxo

Mrs. D said...

Hi! I'm Dianne, aka Mrs. D from the Pink Lemonade Blog. One fun fact: My favorite food is cheeseburgers. I could eat them morning, noon, and night! :)

Brittany said...

Well my name is Brittany... and I'm a simplymeinbaltimore-aholic. I tend to not be able to get through a day with out my daily dose. In fact I prefer to not even see what would happen if I tried. So lets not even attempt, mmmkay :)

BTW thats the "one thing about me".... really..

Anonymous said...

Hi! I'm fact: I'm getting married in three months and I have a dog who thinks he's a cat.

sincerely jen said...

I'm Jenelle, we've chatted back and forth a few times :) my favorite food is sushi, I've LOVED it since I lived in hawaii at age 9...happy hump day!

Christy Ashley said...

I'm Christy =) You know that! Umm I haven't had feeling in my left hand for 2 years!

Sara McCarty said...

Hi! I'm Sara. I have an unhealthy obsession with handbags, shoes, books and cooking. :)

ABC said...

Hello! I'm Ashley. And I'm a 24-year-old reading Harry Potter. Love it!

Erin said...

Love this! I'm Erin (I think you got that one already though!) and my fun fact is that I've been with my boyfriend for almost 6 1/2 yrs! Yikes!

Kelly said...

GREAT idea (might have to snag it sometime!) I don't really have to mention that I just LOVE thos owls, right?? Hope your day is going well Brittany!! :-D

Jamie Pickle said...

Hello there!!! I am Jamie. My fun fact is...I like eating burnt popcorn. My old college roommates hated this about me because I would always make the house smelly :)

Jenn @ West Sac Honey said...

Agreeded! I skim through my followers and think hmm.. I don't have comments from these people.. I'm Jenn :) and I'm going shopping at Ross for lunch lol..

Annie said...

Hi! I'm Annie and my fun fact is that I live in the "Mile High City" of Denver. Love your blog!

Unknown said...

I'm Amy or Ames, as some of my close friends call me. And my fun filled awesome fact filled with awesomeness is...

I'm really good at paintball. I mean really good. I've beat out masses of guys. Last person (and girl) standing!!! Woop!

And thanks for your comment about my tattoo. :)

Meagan said...

Such a cute idea! I might steal! My name is Meagan and I'm stARVing right now and will probably do what I do every day and go home and eat wheat thins and peanut butter!

Anonymous said...

hi! i'm new to your blog and i love it! my guilty pleasure is red velvet cupcakes. :)

Meg said...

Hey!! My name is Meg. I am a Kindergarten Teacher from a suburb of Indianapolis, IN.

My fun fact is I have a strong connection to music. I love finding songs that relate to certain situations- and discovering unknown bands.

Meg said...

P.S. I love your blog!! :)

Jax said...

I havent said hi in WAY too long! I read but cant comment at stupid work sometimes... Sheesh. But, here I am.. Jackie... and one fun fact... I just moved into a new casa and my favorite guilty pleasure is watching any and all dvr-ed shows my roomie doesnt like when my roomie isnt home and taking over the living room! haha! :) XOXO!

capperson said...

Hi, I'm Carie and I have a shoe addiction :)

Vanessa said...

Hi, I'm Vanessa and I just started following you! Interesting fact, hmmm... I get cravings like a crazy pregnant woman. Like out of the blue it hits me that I want something now and it'll stick with me for days until I satisfy it. I like food, what can I say! 8)

Life And Love of The Morellis said...

Hi, I'm Ashley and depending on a potential job I may be moving to Baltimore :)..I'm also obsessed with makeup and clothes <3...

P.S thank you for following me :)

Juliana said...

Oh this is fun!!! Juliana and I dance to SUPERFREAK every morning to have a little more fun in my day!

Eve said...

Hey! I'm Eve and I'm a new follower! My guilty pleasure is chocolate cornflake cakes! Love your blog!

Chelsea said...

My name is Chelsea... I'm new to your blog but thought I'd introduce myself. I'm from Indy!

Sonja said...

Hi! Sonja! you know :) haha

annnnd my favorite thing about Florida besides the sunshine and beaches would be the Florida Gators of course. and seafood boils. haha

Courtney Michelle said...

Hey! My name is Courtney! I graduate next month from FSU and I am soo excited!

I absolutely adore your blog! :)

Amber said...

It's Amber from Young, Fabulous & Newlywed. Fun favorite vacation spot in the US is Destin, FL. The beaches are perfectly white and clean and the water is crystal clear. It feels like "my place" :)

Kate said...

I'm Kate! Originally from B-more, now transplanted down 95 South to the DC area, but will always be a Baltimore Girl!! Go RAVENS!

P said...

I'm Paula (but you knew that anyway!) and if I'm in a restaurant with mozzarella cubes or sticks on the starter menu, it's almost guaranteed I will choose them because I am OBSESSED with them.

Oooh, I wish I could have some right now...

R said...

Hi, I'm Rachel. I'm a substitute teacher and a wedding fanatic from Virginia Beach, VA. I just stumbled upon your blog this morning.

Jodi Kendall said...

My name is Jodi and I used to have a pet pig.

Discovered your blog from Following the Sun.....