
Thursday, April 8, 2010

Dog vs. Car Wash.

Today, Snuggles and I ventured to the car wash because my car was turning yellow from all of the pollen. She started going nuts when the water started spraying. I don't know what she's so angry about. Don't mind me snickering in the background. Here is her attacking my windows for your viewing pleasure.
Enjoy :)


Annie said...

too funny!
my gus, who is a pom as well, does the same exact thing (times 10)! haha!! i will never bring him to a carwash again!

Brittany said...

ha ha ha! How hilarious! Love this!

Stacy said...

Hahaha, my little Rory goes nuts too and tries to climb up my head because she's scared. It's kind of sad. But funny at the same time.

Sonja said...

hahahahahaha I definitly needed that laugh!!

{andthisiswhatshesaid} said...

haha so cute.

Anonymous said...

Lol, your dog cracks me up! That's too funny.

Manda said...

That is too funny! Totally makes me want to take Abby to car wash to see what she would do!!

Thanks for the laugh!

Chelsea said...


Anonymous said...

awww lol do you have a mazda 3?! I had one and LOVED it! your pup is adorable

Jenn @ West Sac Honey said...

aww so cute harley doesn't like the hair dryer when I give him a bath.

Kenj said...

HAHAH.! That is so funny.! I love going to those things.!

P.s. how do you upload a video to blogger like that. I always try and it never works.!

allison said...

LOL! That is hilarious! My dog would be doing the same thing. It's like they think that barking actually accomplishes something!

Jenny said...

LMAO!!! HILARIOUS! I so laughed at this...I do the same thing when Brady's acting like a nutcase

Kelly said...

Hahahaha! :-) I love how she looks up at you like, "It's okay mom. I showed that water who's boss" and then she sees it's in the back window and goes after it again. Too funny ;-D

Elizabeth said...

That is SO cute!!! That really did make my day, you know I needed to smile!! :-)

Brittany said...

That is too funny!! I played it loud so Oliver could her and he just looked at me funny. At least she is very protective!!

Leeann @ Join the Gossip said...

Hahaha that is hilarious! What a little cutie!

Courtney said...

That is soo funny!!! Your dog is a cutie, by the way! I'm your newest follower!! :)

Lindsey said...

How funny!! Love it!!! Now I want to try that with my dog! ha ha!!

Laura said...

So cute ahahahah... if you want visit my blog and bloglovin if you want follow me...

P said...

Aw bless, think she was a bit scared!

Phuong said...

Its so funny!!

Unknown said...

Hahaha... so funny! Totally sounds like my pom. They're such yappers! But you gotta love 'em. :)

Anonymous said...

haha how cute!! terry does the same thing, he hates loud noises! lol

Alissa said...

This is too cute, I love how the simplest things in life get animals excited.

Heather said...

That is so funny! Obviously she's not too fond of the car wash!

Kathleen said...

That had me laughing out loud. Doggies can be so funny!

Julie Leah said...

Doggies are so fun! Millie goes crazy when I turn the turning signal on in my car, like loses her mind! This is such a funny video!

Unknown said...

Hiya Brittany! I just gave you a blog award!!

Kelly @ turned UP to ELEVEN! said...

You know our dog loves playing with the hose, and she loves being in the creek but she freaked.... FREAKED OUT when we went into the carwash!!!