
Sunday, April 25, 2010


Remember me? :-) I hope so! School is still consuming all of my time but I did take a little break from it this weekend to spend time with some important people in my life.

M came home for 2 days this week (Thursday night and Friday night) so we were able to spend some time together! On Friday, I had to work a short day so he just stayed at my house until I got home. We knew he had to leave early Saturday morning, like 7:30 early, so we just had a low key night. We went to dinner, Target, the mall because I need to find a dress for his graduation and then to a local bar for a beer. It was a fun night overall :-)
Here's a pic we took:

On Saturday, my little brother, he's 7, had a double header for baseball. I decided to be a good sister and go watch his game :) Even though the weather was less then perfect baseball weather! Think: Cloudy, breezy, drops of rain here & there, about 61 degrees. I was freezing! I stayed for most of it though.

Here are some pics I took of him:

 He's up to bat!
There he goes running home!

Don't mind the poor photos. My camera was dead so I had to take these with my phone. Sadly, his team didn't win :-( After that, my family and I went to eat at a local pizza restaurant.

That night, I was tired and lazy so I finally decided to treat myself to a Versa Spa spray tan! It's subtle but looks good! I'll be getting more for sure :-)

Today is all about homework, the gym and cleaning.
I hope YOU had a FABULOUS weekend!

Only a few more weeks of school and things will be back to normal!


Jamie said...

Sounds like a great weekend! You and your bf are too cute :)

capperson said...

Y'all are too cute! Sounds like you had a good weekend. I've been debating on a spray tan, but I'm super white and I'm scared it won't look good on me.

Kelly said...

Sounds like a fun start to the weekend. LOVE those lazy, fun weekends. Enjoy your Sunday!!

Jes said...

Sounds like a wonderful weekend! Gotta love lazy days!

Heather said...

It sounds like you had a great weekend!

Have a great rest of the Sunday!

SurferWife said...

Did you just talk about GTL in this post? (Jersey Shore!)

And I have so many pictures that look just like that in my phone of my son at his baseball games. And ice hockey gmaes. And football games. Gah, never ends.

You and your boy are super cute!

tara said...

sounds like a great weekend to me! cute pic of you and your man! :)

Kenj said...

I love a good weekend with the people that mean the most.! School is so close to being over. We can make it.! When are you done.?

allison said...

You look so pretty with your hair all curled. Wow--your brother is so much younger than you!

Kelsey @ Seattle Smith's said...

How could we forget you! haha, loved the photos!

meredith said...

cute pics!! and no one's forgotten you! :)

Brittany said...

What a fun weekend!! Your little bro's pics are too cute!!

Blair @ Reasonably Swanky said...

How freaking CUTE are you?!?!
Sounds like a fab weekend! Been missing you!


Kelsey Claire said...

Love the pics! That is such a cute pic of you and M! Precious!

Jules said...

That’s a super cute pic of you and M and I’m glad you guys got to spend some time together.

That was also sweet of you to go and see your little brother’s baseball game.

Yay for a spray tan. I’ve been thinking of doing it.

I do what I want! said...

Sounds like an awesome weekend :-)

I want a spray tan soooo bad but I'm too scared to do it. I don't want to be streaky or orange if they mess up!

Anonymous said...

aw i'm glad you had a wonderful 2 days with M, love the cute pic of you two! and i have always wanted to try a versa spray tan but for some reason i'm nervous about it, lol

have a great Monday doll! :)

Kelly Marie said...

Beautiful picture of you guys!! I love watching little league baseball games, but NOT when the weather is chilly!! I used to watch the games of the boy I nannyed & it was hailing one day. Notsofun.

Happy, well not Happy but you know have a good Monday!! xoxo

P said...

How did you get your hair to curl like that? It's so cute!

CeCe said...

I agree that you and M are super cute together!

I like your blog. You have a new follower.

The 20s Life

Elizabeth said...

You and M look wonderful together, and SO HAPPY!!!!! I love that photo...and girl, your hair is so nice!!!! Look at you!!!! xoxo!