
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Look what was waiting for me today when I got home...

Two dozen of red roses!

with this super sweet card!

Gahhh, I love this boy:

The best surprise EVER! He knew today was 3 1/2 years (Oct. 28 will be 4) and I completely forgot. We don't usually celebrate half year marks though so this really caught me off guard! It hasn't been an smooth ride (long distance relationship because of school) but it's been worth it! I can't wait for 3 1/2 more years with him!
I love you babe :-)

( Sorry for the mushy post but I just HAD to share! :-) ) 



Kelsey Claire said...

How sweet! They are beautiful!

Julie Leah said...

Such a sweet guy! Those flowers are gorgeous!

Mrs. D said...

Awww, what a sweet surprise! Those roses are beautiful!

Jamie said...

SO sweet! Love the note :)

Katie S said...

How sweet :)

Brittany said...

holy sweetness! :) love THIS! You are one lucky girl.. and just because I know you.. I know that he is one lucky guy!

allison said...

That's so sweet!! Your heart must have sunk when you saw that. I love it!

tara said...

beautiful flowers!! such a sweet guy and a sweet note!!

Jules said...

That is so incredibly thoughtful and sweet of him to remember your 1/2 anniversary! Congrats and those roses are absolutely beautiful :)

Kenj said...

Awe, that is so cute.!

Courtney said...

Aww congrats on 3 1/2 years!!!

Lyss :) said...

awe! long distance is hard but it will only make you guys stronger in the end :)

Mindy said...

Gorgeous! And so sweet! :)

{andthisiswhatshesaid} said...

Tooo cute.

Marie said...

How sweet!:D
...and everything girly under the sun!

Anonymous said...

awww that is so sweet!!!

Candice said...

What a sweetie!!! Those are beautiful flowers!!! Y'all make an adorable couple!

Sonja said...

Aww! How sweet!!! :)

Anonymous said...

aww that is so sweet!! those flowers are gorgeous, he did a great job! :)

Amber said...

That is just WAY too sweet. I keep thinking more and more that you definitely have a keeper there. :)

Jenn @ West Sac Honey said...

Aw what a sweatheart you have!! That's a nice surprise for 3 1/2 years! My 4 years is in August..

Jamie Pickle said...

Very sweet. Looks like you have a keeper :)

Brittany said...

AWWW!!! How sweet!!! :)

Caitlin said...

aww! What a sweet gesture :) I love when they catch you off guard!

Brittany said...

What a sweet heart!!

Juliana said...

That is so very sweet! You guys are so very cute:)

SurferWife said...

AWWWWWW! That is so sweet!!! He's a keeper!

Kelly Marie said...

Beautiful flowers!! I am so happy that you got such a nice surprise (: Have an amazing day lady!!

erica said...

Beautiful flowers! Just found your blog and love it! You now have a new follower!

My boy never brings me flowers I'm so jealous!

xo have a fabulous day

The Undomestic Mom said...

aww yay so sweet!!!!!

Heather said...

How sweet!! You are one lucky girl!

Lauren Nicole said...

These are gorgeous! What an awesome surprise! :)

There is something on my latest post for you.. :)

Lana said...

Congratulations!! Your roses are SO pretty! What a sweet thing for him to do!

Hepburn Hilton said...

Aww that was super sweet! My boyfriend never does stuff like that, you are one lucky girl! :)

Kelsey @ Seattle Smith's said...

Your hair looks AMAZING in this photo!!!! The $145 seems worth it a little more so right when it looks fabulous?!?