
Monday, June 7, 2010

Weekend and Top 2

Hi! Sorry for being a crappy blogger. My job doesn't allow me to be on the computer so it's hard to catch up on blogs. If I don't go to the gym after work, I go over M's house so the google reader gets overloaded and by the time I'm caught up on reading and commenting, I'm ready for bed and too tired to post! Forgive me, please? Good news is I'm only 12 people away from 200 followers and guess what happens then? It's giveaway timeee! Spread the word if you'd like ;-)

On to the weekend happenings . . .

Friday - I had off work so M and I decided to head to the gym together. I did a class called "body pump" which kicked my butt! Here's the description of it:
BODYPUMP™ is the original barbell class that strengthens your entire body. This 60-minute workout challenges all your major muscle groups by using the best weight-room exercises like squats, presses, lifts and curls. Great music, awesome instructors and your choice of weight inspire you to get the results you came for – and fast! I was hanging tough the whole class and felt fine afterwards.. Come Saturday and my legs felt like jello! Literally, it hurt to sit down and going to the bathroom was the worst! I looked like a little old lady trying to sit. haha. I used muscles I never knew I had! I go to Gold's gym so this is where I took the class. I really recommend it! It's always great to change up your workout once in awhile. After that, we came home, ate lunch and I had a hair apt. @ 1. While I was doing that, M just went to the mall. That night we went out for dinner and drinks.

Saturday - My step sister had her 16th birthday party. It was a family and friends party. I feel terrible that I didn't take one picture!! How bad of a sister am I? But I was just so caught up in the cake, presents, games, etc. It was great to see my family though and be able to spend time and have fun. It was so hot that day but the sun wasn't shining so it helped. I stayed there til about 10 then then went home, took Tylenol for my legs and called it a night.

Sunday - I went over M's around 1 to watch his little brother's basketball games. Come to find out, his mom got a bad infection in her eye and had to be admitted to the hospital! It was like a freak accident. Luckily she's doing better now and will be a-okay. We visited her for about an hour then went back to his house. I always cut his hair so I had to do that. I'm a pro :-) We also watched the Lakers vs. Celtics game and the MTV awards (flipping back and forth) and ordered Pizza Hut, my fave! M started his real, after college job today so we headed to bed after it was over.

Overall, I had a great weekend :-) I hope you ladies did too!

On to top 2 Tuesday with Mrs. Taylor:

This weeks top 2 is Books!
I love to read so this was really hard.

One of the first books I read was this:
My mom bought it for me and I love it. It's great to read stories from others that you can relate to. I also love many other Chicken Soup books.

I also love Nicholas Sparks books. Right now I'm reading this:

I guess I love his books because I'm a hopeless romantic. He's also super descriptive which helps to put yourself in the book.
What are you top 2 books? Head over to Taylor's to play along!



star said...

I really want to read The Rescue, I love Nicholas Sparks books!

R said...

I'm about 3/4 done with "The Rescue" right now. I'm liking it a lot! Sparks books tend to be a little slow moving but still so great.

Jenny said...

Bodypmp is amazing! As a lover of strength training, bodypump gives me my biggest bang for my buck!!! :-)

Jamie said...

They offer Body Pump at my gym but I'm always too scared to try it!

I had that Chicken Soup book and loved it :)

Marian said...

I've heard that Body Pump is the best and worst thing ever!!

And I use to be obsessed with Chicken Soup!! I would cry soo much reading it:)

Anonymous said...

The Rescue is one of my favorite books too. I love anything by Nicholas Sparks! Cute blog. I'm a brand new follower.

Jennifer said...

Oh man, how I used to love Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul... thanks for bringing that back! :)

Ashley said...

Oh this body pump sounds great! Too bad I dont have it near where I live! I had a boot camp class this morning. eh.
I love Nicholas Sparks books too! :)

Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

I haven't read The Rescue! I'll have to add it to my must reads list!

Amber said...

Love The Rescue. He's on of my favs!

Tatum-LeTard said...

Cute blog! Love the book ideas... I am a new Nicholas Sparks fan and will have to give this one a try!

The Undomestic Mom said...

I love body pump!!!!! It always kills me! thanks for linking up!

Jenn @ West Sac Honey said...

I haven't read any Nicholas Sparks books but they seem to have a following. That Body Pump class sounds like fun and I've totally been there when trying to use the restroom.. Like trying to lever myself onto the toliet.. Ha it's hilarious..

Helena said...

Nicholas Sparks Rocks. And I totally understand your first paragraph. If my job didn't chain me to a desk, I don't know how I would ever find the time to blog!

Jen | Our Life Accounts said...

I've always loved the chicken soup of the soul books! I haven't read that Nicholas Sparks book yet, I'm definitely going to have to check it out!

Jules said...

I completely know what you mean about things getting so busy. This is a crazy week for me, so it’s really hard to keep up with everything.

Good for you for taking a body pump class. I haven’t tried that one in awhile. It bums me out that my gym doesn’t offer classes. I feel like I’m always doing the same thing.

That’s great that you got to spend some time with family and M for the rest of the weekend. Good luck to him with his new job! Pizza Hut is yum and we watched the MTV Movie Awards too :)

Kelly Marie said...

My old gym had body pump and I always meant to try it!! Booooo that I didn't. Sounds like you had a greatt weekend :) I loved the Chicken Soup books, my Mom always got them for me! I hope you were rooting for the Celtics!

Brittany said...

glad you had a good weekend!

I love ANYTHING by nicholas sparks book! seriously!


Heather said...

I love all the Nicholas Sparks books! I don't think I've read this one though...I'm definitely going to have to read it!

tara said...

gotta check out the rescue! havent read it yet!

Christy Ashley said...

Bummer about the rain this weekend! I'm really hoping it holds off! I'm not too sure what we're doing yet...definitely looking for a good sports bar to watch the England US game on Saturday (if you have any recommendations, that would be awesome!) and then we're going to Camden Yards for the game Saturday night and I think to the Aquarium on Sunday morning!

P said...

You always seem to be at the gym, lol!

Charlotte said...

love your blog!!!! so cute!!!