So I'm sure you know what that means.. less time for blogging :(
So this past weekend, M and I went to a gala for his work. We had such a great time. Free food and open bar with lots of friends there as well. I actually ran into someone I went to elementary school with - small world!
me and M
does this dress look familiar?
I wore it 3 yrs ago, haha.
This is only the 2nd time I've worn it so I figured it was okay :)
Then Monday came and it was time to go to school. I went to the gym in the morning like I said I would and actually felt great doing it! But at 3 o'clock, I was exhausted. I actually went to bed that night at 8:30, haha.
As for my classes, I'm taking Physical Science, a comp. class, Bio, concepts of math class (which I think I'll love because my teacher is amazing), Math internship and science internship. I start my math internship on Tuesday and I'm excited for that. I'll be in 2nd grade this semester!
My days are long and my professors have already loaded up the work for us but I know I'll make it through. It's all about balance. However, blogging does fall to the back burner. As much as I love it, school is my #1 priority right now. I'd like to make Dean's list again this semester :)
This weekend is the Super Bowl. Not to sure what we're doing yet though, or who I'm rooting for. Do I want the Steelers to win because they beat the Raven's? Or the Packers because the Steeler's have won too many times? Who are you rooting for if you're going to watch it?
Thanks girls who have e-mailed me wishing me well in school :)
I'm glad you took the time to think about it!
I'm glad you took the time to think about it!
Hope everyone is having a wonderful week!

Good Luck with school! You sound like you are so focused so I'm sure you'll make it on the deans list.
As for the Super Bowl, I feel like being a Ravens fan means NEVER root for the Steelers. So I'll be cheering on the Packers! And also because my father in law is a packers fan. :)
You are one of the most dedicated students EVER!! I adore that about you :)
Hi, boobs . . . I'm Aly!! Ha ;)
And I am not cheering on anyone ... I will watch purely for the sole entertainment of the commercials!
Have a good day!!!
You look super sas in that picture!!! Love the dress!
I love your dress! You two looked great!
I can totally feel you about working out in the mornings and being exhausted by mid afternoon. I keep telling myself I will eventually get used to this but it hasn't happened yet!
1. You look gorgeous!! 2. You are going to do awesome in school this semester! 3. Packers because my bff in Texas is from Wisconsin originally!
good luck with school! you guys are adorable!
this is such a great time for gala dress pics because.... I am going to one next weekend and needed dress ideas! Yours is great and not super dressy... think I'll go off of that! thanks love
I am rooting for the Packers because a couple days ago I realized Benny Boy is an obnoxious human being... well ok I knew that awhile ago.
Good luck with the school overload!
So cute you look sassy.. and I highly doubt we remember the dress lol well I don't I have horrible memory! Sad for school starting I was getting used to having you back!
I love the dress, it looks adorable on you! Good luck with your classes starting up. :)
You and your man are sooo cute together! :D
xoxo :)
LOVE the dress!! You look so pretty!! Good luck w/ school!! I feel like a bad blogger is rough for me this semester as well. blah.
Good luck with school this semester! I wish I had your determination when I was in school. Blogging was my priority, haha!
Seriously, you look HOT in that dress! ;)
Good luck with school!!
Love the dress!! :) Good luck with school... you can do it!! I graduate in May and couldn't be happier!:)
Just stumbled upon your fab blog! I am from the area too! Good luck with school!
You look great in your dress! Glad you had a nice time!! xoxo!
That dress is nice!! I'm totally rooting for the Packers because 1. I love the cheese head hats. Don't know why but I do! Love! 2. The steelers beat the ravens and I hate that. 3. It's time for the steelers to come off the throne.
Good luck with school girlie!!!
Second graders are super cute! You'll enjoy that internship. It's always nice when another teacher is in charge after you leave, but the lesson plans that they make you write in school are INSANE!!!
Good luck with school!! Don't you hate that it takes priority over blogging? ;)
I do love that dress, it looks supercute on you. And those nail polish colours are fab!
You look adorable! xoxo
omg can you be more gorgeous girl?! seriously loving your blog and that DRESS! so rad! I'd love to follow if you want to check out my blog too- I posted a few cute dresses you might like!
Hello from a fellow B'more blogger. Your blog is so fun! And I'm loving the nail polish colors you posted. Good luck with school! :)
I am visiting and following via boost my blog. Love the nail polish:)
Hope your killin' it in school!
I live right outside of balmore hon! We gotta stick together in the bloggy world! I'm new to this so check me out!
HI!!! How are you?! It's been a while. Motherhood takes up so much time. :)
How is school going? You look adorable in that dress. I hope you're doing well.
AMAZING is what you look like in that dress? I don't even see that handsome dude beside you!! haha Love it! I've been so missing from this blog world, but I'm back now...I've missed ya!
psst... I miss you. Hope all is well!
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