1. I'm loving that Jamie does this every week. It really lets me reflect on the good, instead of the bad or things I could complain about :) So thanks, Jamie!
2. I'm loving that today is a snow day! We (Maryland) have really missed A LOT of snow storms this winter! (probably because we got enough last winter to last us for 5 future winters, haha) After this storm is over, we should have about 6-9 inches. I've been lounging all day and I'm taking FULL advantage of it because school starts this coming Monday! Yikes. Free time = GONE!
3. I'm loving how long my hair is getting. However, I'm not loving how thin it has been feeling lately. I've been thinking of getting thickening shampoo and conditioner, but I'm not sure what kind to get. Any recommendations? Help a girl out! Yes, my hair is important to me, haha :)
4. I'm not loving that school starts Monday BUT I am loving that I'll be back on a consistent schedule and will be able to get to the gym the same time most days as well as eat meals at consistent times. Life just flows better when you're on a schedule.. or maybe that's just my OCD saying so, haha.
5. I'm loving that I just found out that the lady I used to nanny for (about 3 years ago), is M's Mom's cousin. Talk about a small, small world! (they just reunited which is why I just found out)
6. I'm loving that Liz gave me a little acknowledgement :) She is too sweet. Thank you again! It made my day!
I'd like to pass this on to Caroline @ A Life of Color because she deserves it. She always leaves me the most thoughtful and sweet comments and has become a good blog friend :) I could surely name other bloggers who deserve this as well so don't think that I don't appreciate each of you! xox
7. And of course, I'm loving my boy :)
And yes, I'm being super lazy and not putting pictures with this post. Forgive me.

I am glad that we got snow too! i can't wait for more tonight! and let me know how the thickening goes for you I feel like I need some too I felllike my hair is always falling out!
Thank you so much my friend! I love Caroline's blog! I love her Words of Wisdom! :-)
We had a snow day here too! Woohoo!
I'm jealous of your snow day. It's just raining here which makes everything miserable!!! Hope you are staying warm!
Omgsh im sooo lazy today too. I started my What Im Loving Wednesday this morning and its still not up hahaha. Todays just one of those days you wanna lay in bed and watch a hundred movies with fatty foods.
Have a great night darlin!
xoxo Inna :)
Thanks for playing along!
I'm kinda jealous of your relaxing snow day :)
I'm glad you enjoyed your snow day!! We all need relaxing days to unwind :).
Love your blog and Im a new follower. I found you via Liz. I love some of the stuff you have helped her do with her blog. I am so new and so need help LOL! I cant even figure out how to get or grab peoples buttons :( I suck at it. LOL! I will be following you! Hope you enjoyed ur snow day!
Hope you had a wonderful snow day! :) Thanks for grabbing my blog button! I just grabbed yours too!
I've been looking for thickening shampoo too! My hair is growing out (thank gooodness) but its definitely feeling really thin. I would die for luscious locks.
So glad youre posting again :)!
So, did you get some snow?? We got about 6 inches here last night (NH). I didnt even know it was coming!
Loving that you do this too. It's always good to remember all the things you love!!! :)
What a fun blog you have here! I'll be checking back for sure.
Thank you so so much for thinking of me (and my blog tee hee)! I am so thankful to have you as a blog friend :)
I'm not sure if I was loving the snow that much. It looked pretty...and had I gotten a snow day, I probably would be feeling a lot more love towards it...but it made my commute home the worse thing ever
Lucky! I need a snow day!
By now school's started, hope it's going well :)
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