Hi! Has it really been 5 months since I've blogged last?! How pathetic on my part. To my followers/readers out there, if I still have any.. sorry I've been MIA for so long! I sure have missed blogging but it was a nice break and sometimes, life just happens and you get so side tracked by everything else. I will be doing an update soon enough but I just wanted to stop in, say hi and hope your lives are going great! Leave a comment if you'd like to update me on your life, haha :)

Did you see my big news? I can't remember.. I got engaged.. and I'll be on TV this Monday on DIY Network! 10 pm EST for Turf Wars check it out!
Miss you hope your doing good!
It's good to hear from you! :)
Glad to have you back! Kori xoxo
Excited to hear a life update :)
Glad to hear that you're alive and well :).
Can't wait to hear all about what you've been up to!
Welcome back! :) once ya skip a few days those days turn into weeks and then all the sudden you haven't blogged in forever haha its easy to get out of it but glad ya decided to come back!! hope its been a great 5 months!
Wow! I can't believe it has been five months. Are you making a return to the blogging world? I'm married and we got a dog!
It's about time! =)
Well, look who just popped up in my Reader!! Glad to see you posting. Has it really been that long?!?! Welcome back- hope you post an update soon!!
just yesterday i was engaged in a conversation about baltimore and i immediately thought of "simplicity in baltimore" and of course YOU!
so good to see you're back! glad things are going well.
bye for now!
I was just thinking the otherday I wonder if she will ever blogagain!Can't waitfor the updated!
Glad you're back!
Yay! Happy you're back. I'm totally boring and nothing has been going on with me. Can't wait to hear what's been happening with you!
Aw, I'm glad you're back!
My news - well, my life has went a bit rubbish of late. in the past two months I got dumped, depressed and unwell. Oh and the work stress! But trying to take it all in my stride. Hope you're doing well. :) x
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