
Monday, August 30, 2010

Top 2 Cities

This weeks Top 2 is:
Top 2 Favorite US Cities

To be honest, I really haven't been to THAT many cities so my choices are limited. For some reason, I think my family just liked going to familiar places when I was younger so we never got to experience different parts of the country. I'd love to travel once I finish school.

With that being said, I'm going to name a top city I've been to and a city that I'd like to visit :) I'm cheating, I know, but sometimes the rules are meant to be broken haha. Sorry Tay!

1. Ocean City, MD
technically located in Worcester County, MD

I have SO many great memories of this place. Memories of family vacations, going to dinner and playing putt putt. Memories of vacations with friends partying the nights away. I've been going here since I was 2 years old. My summer feels incomplete if I don't go at least once. It's such a little town that's about 9 miles long but it gets pretty crowded in the summer. If you ever visit Maryland's Eastern Shore, be sure to check it out! :)

2. A place I'd like to visit is anywhere in Florida!

Disney World - who doesn't like Mickey?!

Sea World
Key West

I just feel like I'm missing out because I've never been there :(
What's your favorite US city or where would you love to go?

Summer is Over.

So summer is over, at least on my schedule. School started for me last Thursday. So far so good. I still have two classes that I need to attend tomorrow. Hopefully they'll go just as well. I start an internship on September 16, which just so happens to be my BIRTHDAY. I'm hoping I'll be placed in a 1st grade room. I'll find out in the coming days which grade I'll be interning in.

Didn't do too much this weekend. On Saturday, M and I went to a cook out during the day and then just hung out at my house on Saturday night. We're such parties I tell you. Sunday we went to this place on the water which is basically an in-ground pool with a bar. I didn't have to drive so I was able to indulge in some Orange Crushes aka one of my favorite drinks ;-) So yummy. These past couple of days have been so hot! I mean it's almost September and it's still in the 90's! (Today was 95, yuck)

I just thought I'd recap on some of the fun things I did this summer. However, I'm quite upset that M and I didn't go on a vacation together! We have the past 3 yrs but with him starting a new job, it just wasn't possible. Hopefully we can go somewhere this fall.

Speaking of fall, I signed up for a coed football team! Ahhh, basically, M made me do it haha. It's just 2 hand touch and it starts Saturday, 9/11. I'm nervous but I'm sure it'll be fun. The local bars sponsor us to play and as a treat, we get free happy hours there sometimes and drink specials :) There's about 12 people on each team so it'll be a good time!

Now onto my summer memories . . . (click on the links to go to the posts.)

End of May
M graduated - I honestly couldn't be more proud of him!
Not everyone graduates in 4 yrs and finds a job a month later.
We spent the night celebrating in Ocean City :)

Snuggles turned 3!
It might seem strange to celebrate my pups birthday but I love her :)

Celebrated my little step-sisters 16 birthday.
However, I'm a terrible person and didn't take one stinkin' picture!

We celebrated Father's Day and I won my first jockey race haha.
(a game we played there).

M and I went to our favorite, special restaurant to celebrate his new job.

We also went to plenty of baseball games! They're just so fun :)

I was able to go on vacation with my family! The last time they went was 5 yrs ago so I was super excited; even if it was only for 2 days.

Went to a soccer game at a football stadium :)

Went to my first football game ever.

I also did other fun things this month but I just didn't take pictures or blog about it. Other then that, I've been working.

I hope everyone had a great summer!

Now bring on the fall weather, football games, apple cider, pumpkins, hot chocolate, comfy clothes, warm fires, and pretty trees!

But winter, if you come early and rear your ugly head like you did last year, I will be one UNHAPPY girl! Stay far far away :)

Thursday, August 26, 2010

If You Really Knew Me . . .

I'm jumping on the bandwagon that Leslie at A Blonde Ambition started :) It is similar to the TV show If You Really Knew Me. I have watched the show a few times and I think it's great that it's on TV :)

I figured that if these high school students could bare all to their fellow classmates as well as the world, I could at least let my guard down to the blogging world. So here it goes. Some thing may be a little personal but really, what do I have to hide? If they can do it, I can too.

Unlike Leslie's who's was fun and light-hearted, mine may be a tad more serious.

So . . . If you really knew me:

  • You'd know that I still live in the same town I grew up in. I sometimes wish I could just pack up and move away. I want to experience other places and cultures. It could be anywhere, on a farm, in the city, near a desert. I just want to know what it's like to live outside of Maryland and outside of a suburban neighborhood.
  • You'd know that I come from a divorced family. My parents seperated at the end of my 7th grade year and divorced when I was in the 8th grade. In 9th grade, my dad sold our home and had a new one built for me, brother, dad's gf and her children. My mom rented a house down the street from our old one so we would still be near our friends. When my dad got married to my step-mom, the amount of tears that came down my face was ridiculous. I was happy for my dad but at the same time, I knew that was the end of my mom and dad. They would never be together again. We would never celebrate birthdays or special moments again. Our family was no more. I was bitter about it for quite sometime. But what 15 year old girl wouldn't be? Looking back, I know the fighting and unhappiness wasn't good for either of them. Had they not gotten divorced, I wouldn't have my little brother. I still wish they were together but things happen the way they're supposed to and I still have two AMAZING parents.
  • You'd know I can organize like it's nobody's business :) I'm simply amazing at it. Not to brag or anything. I can organize a closet, room, storage, you name it in probably an hour flat. Every thing WILL have a home. Seeing things out of place drives me nuts! If teaching falls through, I will open my own organizing business. An organized room is a happy room! :)
  • You'd know that I am self-conscious but put on a darn good act that I'm not. I walk around like I'm this girl who is so sure of herself while inside, I'm wondering what people are thinking of me. The first day of school always makes me nervous because I want to make the best impression possible and always wonder what people think. Drives me nuts!
  • You'd know that I have a huge heart for animals. Seeing one hurt or homeless breaks my heart. Today at work, a cat came to the door and was meowing over and over. I gave him soon food to keep him around until the shelter opened. Sadly, he left and I haven't seen him. I hope he's okay.
  • You'd know that I donate to the USO at least twice a year because I have so much respect for the men and women who serve our country. They are MUCH braver that I will ever be. To leave your family and put your life on the line for something you believe in is heroic to me.
  • You'd know I'm TERRIFIED of bugs. Actually, saying I'm terrified is putting it lightly. All bugs, especially unknown ones. They freak me out! I can't kill them either because I can't stand to hear the crunching sound. I like lady bugs and butterflies though. That's it.
  • You'd know I'm a thrifty shopper. I can't imagine paying a large amount of money for a piece of clothing. I'm not sure what it is but I can't bring myself to do it. Shopping makes me very happy so I like to get my money's worth :)
  • You'd know I love reading quotes. My home web page is set to She has a quote of the day page along with hundreds of pages filled with quotes ranging from love (sad, happy, misc.), life, movies, music, and friendship. It's awesome. Quotes are so inspirational and as her page says "Quotes get you through the days you think no one knows what you're going through."
    Hope this didn't bore you to tears! If you read it in it's entirety, thank you! I think every one should do this :)

    Wednesday, August 25, 2010

    Time for a Wee Bit of Britt

    Link up Here!
    {one} what was your favorite birthday gift?
    My trip to Mexico for my 21st birthday. Even though Delta lost our luggage for a day & a half and M was sick for a day, it was still one heck of an experience and I'll never forget it!

    {two} have you ever been cow-tipping or snipe-hunting?
    No way! Why would I ever want to push over a poor little cow?! I'm not sure what snipe-hunting is.

    {three} what’s the strangest talent you have?
    I can drive with my knees? I can roll my tongue like a 3 leaf clover? I can also tie a cherry stem with my tongue haha.

    {four} what are your favorite kind of chips?
    hands down - salt & vinegar chips! Absolute favorite. I also like cool ranch Doritos too though.

    {five} do you know any tongue twisters?
     Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.
    Did Peter Piper pick a peck of pickled peppers?
    If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,
    Where's the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?
    {six} what was the last movie you saw in a theater?
    The Bounty Hunter - I actually liked it.

    {seven} do you collect anything?
    No - I hate clutter! The show "hoarders" just gives me the chills. Every thing needs a place and if there are nick-nacks every where, it drives me nuts.

    {eight} what is something you wish you were better at?
    Staying focused on exercising.

    {nine} what’s the worst habit you have?
    Biting my nails!! I hate it. I want to stop :(

    {ten} when you wake up, what is the 1st thing you think?
    Do I really have to wake up right now?!

    Thursday, August 19, 2010

    Random Tid Bits.

    Hi! Happy Thursday. Things going through my mind lately:
    • Today is exactly ONE week until classes resume! Ahh, I'm nervous because I start the elementary education program this semester. I'm excited that I'll be taking all education classes instead of BS classes but at the same time, this means I'm one step closer to the real world and that scares me! haha. I'll still be working 2 days a week so I can imagine I'm going to have way less free time which sucks. I have to figure out a way to manage school, work, exercise and M. This is the first time that I will be in school and M will be home. When he was at school, I would have all week to get all of my work done and see him all weekend. Well now that he's home, I'm going to have to find a way to balance every thing. I think it's possible though since he works long hours. I'll be sure to apologize in advance for not blogging/commenting as much :)
    • I received my new issue of Glamour in the mail. This always excites me because they have so many great beauty tips and new styles so I enjoy reading it. However, when I received it today, it was more like an encyclopedia! Haha, this thing is almost a half inch thick! It's their biggest issue in 20 years though. Might take me a day or two to get through (I never usually read it all at once.
    Doesn't she look great after having twins?!

    • There's less than a month until my birthday! (Sept. 16) I'm contemplating on not celebrating though because 24 seems SO scary and to be honest, I don't feel that old at all. I feel like I was just turning 19 or 20. Where is life going?! I need to start making a wish list of things I want ;-)
     How cute is this cake!?
    I've always wanted a fancy cake for my birthday :)

    • Speaking of birthday's, one of my very good blog friends celebrates hers tomorrow! Liz was one of my very first blog friends. She is one of the sweetest people I have ever known! So down to earth and is always there for me! Too bad she lives so far away. Be sure to go and wish her a happy birthday :) I know she would appreciate it. Happy birthday Liz! xox.
    • I'm ready for fall. The other night M and I were talking about things we want to do in the coming months and I was so excited about it.. Football games, pumpkin picking, Halloween, Thanksgiving, etc. He has never been home for these things so it's sort of all new to me :) I can't wait for the fall candles to come out either. Spiced Pumpkin by Yankee Candle is my favorite! Love. I also can't wait to drink hot chocolates in my cozy fall clothes :) It's so pretty here during the fall because of all the trees changing colors. I can however wait for winter! I loathe it. Yuck!!

    I've always wanted to go apple picking!
    Let's see if I can talk M into it - haha.

    Have a great weekend ladies!
    Enjoy the last couple of weeks of summer :) 

    (all images from google images)

    Monday, August 16, 2010

    Top 2 Tuesday

    I haven't participated in Top 2 Tuesday in quite sometime! 
    This weeks top 2 is:
    Top 2 Characters/People you would
    want to play on a TV show or movie.

    1. Lauren Conrad
    Basically, Lauren is awesome. She has her own clothing line, dresses super cute, and gets invited to all of the fun awards shows. She also seems so down to earth even when she hangs out with people who are FULL of drama. I'd love to see what life was like as her. And does it hurt that she's gorgeous. Lauren is my girl crush haha.

    2. Allie Hamilton from The Notebook
    First, I love Nicholas Sparks. All of his books are so romantic and I enjoy reading each one. To me, The Notebook is the epitome of a love story. Could Allie and Noah be ANY cuter? Noah is madly in love with her and it melts my heart. She has it made! I also love the clothes and the way people carry themselves from this time period. Life seems so simple and you actually have to interact with people face to face (no internet/social networking/etc.)

    What two people would you want to play?
    Head over to Taylor's blog and link up!

    (all images from google images)

    My first football game.

    This past Thursday, I went to my first ever football game! I can't believe I've never been to one before. It's probably because during the past 4 football seasons, M has been away at school during that time and it wasn't possible to go to one. It was the first pre-season Raven's game. M is FAR from a Raven's fan. Yes, he's from MD but just doesn't like them. Please, no hate mail! haha. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion :) I love him regardless. Besides that, he LOVES football and we had such a great time!

    Raven's Stadium.

    One of the first plays.

    Please excuse how we look;
    it was super windy and misting a little bit.

    not quite sure why this is blurry
    but I was so excited to be there :)

    We were only able to stay until the 3rd quarter because it started to down pour! Luckily I had brought an umbrella and we were able to wait under a bridge for the light rail. It was a bad storm! We made it home safe though.

    And yes, the Raven's beat the Panthers :)

    Wednesday, August 11, 2010

    WBoM Wednesday

    I like doing this because I feel like it gives you a better idea of who I am :) 

    {one} how would you describe your style? 
    hmm...I'd say classy/preppy/girly. I love to wear cute flats and nice shirts and jeans. I shop at all different places though so I'm not sure how to describe it? In the summer, I wear flip flops or wedges, sun dresses, skirts, shorts and such. In the fall/winter, I wear flats, jeans, cute tops, and my coat is usually a peacoat. I love scarfs too. I don't know lol. But I also love wearing Uggs (who says they aren't in style anymore - it gets cold in MD and my toes freeze!) comfy pants and hoodies.

    {two} what would your perfect day look like?
    With M: We would wake up on an island with crystal blue water and white sands. We'd have breakfast brought to us in bed with a cool breeze blowing in off the water. For the day, we would get snorkeling lessons or swim with the dolphins. After that, we'd relax in the pool with a yummy drink in hand that we ordered from the swim up bar. For the night, we'd go to an amazing restaurant and enjoy a romantic dinner outside listening to nothing but our conversation and the waves. After dinner, we'd head back to our hotel and enjoy each other's company. Please, can I just go live at the beach?!!?

    With a friend: Wake up WITHOUT an alarm, shower, go to a nice lunch, go shopping, get a pedicure/manicure, make a yummy dinner with a glass of wine, then watch chick-flicks :)

    {three} what would be the best workplace perk?
    Oh gosh. I could go on and on. I absolutely LOVE my job. I'm a nanny for two families (sisters). I'm not just the nanny though. I'm the big sister (as my bosses say). The girls I watch are 2 and 3. Right now, I am only watching the 2 yr old though because the other mom is on maternity leave. When school starts, I'll be watching the 3 yr old and her new sister who is now 4 months old. My bosses are beyond amazing. I get the best birthday and Christmas gifts, time off if I ever need it, extra money in my checks sometime, they work around my school schedule and most of all, I get a friendship out them. I know when I have to quit and get a job as a teacher, I will definitely keep in touch and visit because it's not a job to me, it's an extended family. They're amazing!

     {four} if you could have the starring role in one movie, which would it be?
    Can I pick two? Clueless because it's so funny and I'd love to have Cher's closet or The Notebook because I love Nicholas Sparks and honestly, who wouldn't want to be Allie?! Perfect love story.

     {five} what tv show do you wish would go off the air for good? 
    I'm agreeing with Leigh's answer ---> all of the love shows... rock of love, flava flave's, tila tequilla's... i do like the batchelor/batchelorette though.

    {six} chocolate or vanilla?
    For ice cream - Vanilla - with sprinkles please.
    For candy - chocolate.

    {seven} if you could date any celebrity, who would it be?
    Assuming M wouldn't care, I'm going to have to say Jesse Metcalfe from Desperate Housewives. I think he's adorable.

    {eight} if you could have been the author of any book, which would it have been?
    Again - I'm agreeing with Leigh. --> well, i hear the lady that wrote the harry potter series just passed up oprah as richest woman, so i would say the harry potter series.

    {nine} what's your favorite type of flower?
    I think a lot of flowers are pretty.. orchids, stargazer lilies, hibiscus, and tulips.

    {ten} what do you think is your most attractive feature?
    I like my hair. I think I have a pretty smile/nice teeth. I like my eyes because they're a good size and change colors. I like them equally the same.

    Head over to Leigh's blog and play along! 

    Ladies and well, Ladies .. We Have a Winnerrr!

    I want to thank all of those who entered my FIRST giveaway!
    I hope I am able to do many more in the future :)

    There were 59 entries. I thought there would be more BUT it was
    better for those who entered haha. Next time, I want to see more entries!
    (I know my blog says 55 entries but some people entered twice but only in one comment. I had to go through and pick those out which made it 59 entries)

    I mean come on, who doesn't want FREE things?!

    Now without further adieu . . .

    Congrats Tara! I love your blog :)
    I hope you spend this $40 on something great!
    If you don't follow her, you must! She's hilarious.

    I was very fair about picking a winner. I took all of the entries and entered them into Microsoft Word. Like this:

    Then I went to and let that website randomly choose a number between 1 and 59. This was the result:

    #39 was Tara!

    Again, Congrats!

    Friday, August 6, 2010

    Funny Friday.

    Keeping Up With Kelly & Co

    It's my first time participating in Funny Friday!

    Do you remember a couple of weeks ago when this video surfaced?

    Well now, this guy has become an internet sensation and people are making his reaction into a song. You must hear these - hilarious!

    Here's a spoof:

    Maybe I have a terrible sense of humor but I laughed so hard watching these.

    Disclaimer - While the reason Dodson first appeared on the news is not in the least bit funny (his sister was the victim of a rape attempt), the parody videos that have followed are extremely entertaining. Enjoy!

    It's the weekend.

    It's Friday! Thank goodness :)
    Who's ready for the weekend?!
    I am, but my weekend actually started on Thursday
    because I had a very short work week.

    I hope you ladies have fun things planned and are enjoying
    the last few weeks of summer!

    One last thing, don't forget to enter my
    G I V E A W A Y !
    (click on the word giveaway & it'll take you to the page)

    It's for a FREE $40 gift card to CSN.
    All you have to do is leave a comment saying you're a follower.
    How EASY is that? Easy peasy.

    Enjoy your weekend! Be back Monday :)

    Wednesday, August 4, 2010

    A Wee Bit of Me Wednesday!

    So I decided to join in on the Wee Bit of Me Wednesday that Leigh Ashley hosts. I felt like it's a fun way to get to know me a little better :)

    {one} what website do you spend the most time on?
    Probably blogger or gmail.

    {two} what's the furthest you've ever travelled?
    Mexico - M and I went there for my 21st birthday. Talk about a crazy trip - Delta airlines lost our luggage for a day and a half! :(

    {three} what's your guilty pleasure tv show?
    Oh geez - any reality tv!

    {four} if you had to give up one favorite food, what would be the hardest?
    Pizza - seriously, I could eat pizza! I love it.

    {five} if you could become any fictional character, who would you be?
    I don't know, maybe a disney princess? Haha.

    {six} what's your favorite season of the year?
    I have two favorites - summer because of the beach, long sunny days, warm weather (minus the humidity), getting a sun tan! and fall because of the cool days, changing color of the leaves, halloween and thanksgiving, all of good smelling candles that come out, haha.

    {seven} what's your biggest phobia?
    BUGS!!!!! I'm not even exaggerating. I am PETRIFIED! Especially if I don't know what kind of bug it is. I can't kill them, someone has to do it for me. They're disgusting. I'm also pretty scared of dying. I don't like the unknown. And I'm claustrophobic.

    {eight} would you rather swim in a pool or the ocean?
    pool. Unless its the ocean in which I can see my feet and the pretty fish around me. I really want to go on vacation to somewhere with clear water.

    {nine} what did you eat for breakfast today?
    A glass of 1% Milk and a Kashi Go Lean Crunchy Bar - Chocolate Peanut (9g Protein, 6g of Fiber) Yummy too!

    {ten} if you could only listen to one song for the next month, which song would it be?
    I don't think I can chose because after I hear a song over and over again, I get tired of it.

    Giveaway!! About time, right?

    Well now that I've reached over 200 followers, it sure is time to repay you ladies for being so kind and always reading my blog! The wonderful online store, CSN, contacted me about a week ago asking if I would be interested in doing a review for a product OR giving away something to my readers. Of course I chose to give something to you! :) 

    CSN offers an array of products - If you can't find something to buy on this site, then there is a problem! They have everything from beautiful dinnerware sets, wall art for you home, and eco friendly pet toys for your furry friends.

    CSN is kind enough to offer ONE of my readers a $40 gift card for a product good for any product on their website! They also have other websites in which the gift card will be valid on. Some of these are:

    To enter giveaway, you MUST be a follow of my blog.
    (At this time, giveaway is only open to U.S residents)

    Two ways in which you can win:

    1. Leave a comment stating you are a follow WITH a valid email address. No email address means no entry! I need to be able to get a hold of you.

    2. Visit one of the stores listed and let me know which product you would purchase if you won the gift card!

    It's that simple :-)
    Giveaway ends August 9, 2010 at 12:00 AM EST. Any entries after will not be counted.

    Winner will be selected using a random number generator. I will announce the winner on Wednesday, August 11, 2010.

    Good luck! :-)

    Monday, August 2, 2010

    Soccer Game on a Football Field kind of weekend.

    This weekend, M&T Bank Stadium, where the Ravens usually play football, hosted an international soccer game. Over 70,000 people were expected to attend. This was great for Baltimore because it brought in a lot of money. 

    We were cheering for Inter Milan

     We were tailgating right in front of the stadium :)
    The people we were with came prepared with a
    beer pong table and the corn hole game. So fun.

    My parents took us there because they didn't want anyone drinking and driving and of course, Snuggles came. My brother thought it would be funny to put her in a seat belt to keep her safe. She didn't seem to mind it at all haha.

     me and brother's gf, L. She's so sweet!

    brother D and L;
    how cute that they match wearing their Inter Milan shirts.

    me and M

    me and my not so little anymore brother.
    Do we look alike at all?

    the 4 of us
    Why does M have a redskins koozie thing when clearly,
    we're at Raven's stadium?!

     playing my vuvuzela!
    They were selling them for $5
    Sadly, I lost it :(

    M couldn't get it to work for the life of him lol
    so he was pretending :)
    now everyone play :)

    we were so high up in the stands!

    Sunday, M and I were lazy and did nothing but go to the diner for brunch then came home and stayed in bed all day watching the movies "Are We There Yet?" and "Are We Done Yet?". Both kind of stupid but funny at the same time. Then we went back to his house for the night and watched Big Brother.

    I hope you ladies had a fun weekend as well! ♥